Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find an answer below? Don’t hesitate to send us an email. We’re here to help you.

General topics

What is 1oT? 

1oT is a global cellular connectivity provider to the IoT/M2M sector, acting as an aggregator of different international telecoms (MNOs/MVNOs). 1oT provides a one-of-everything (1 (e)SIM, 1 Connectivity Management Platform, 1 invoice) service that is constantly improving to help the IoT companies of all sizes do their business on a global scale.

Today, 2 million 1oT-connected SIM cards (half of which are eSIMs) are deployed in a range of devices from bird trackers to e-scooters in 173 countries. Strongly expanding its reach worldwide, 1oT aims to gradually make eSIM technology a standard in the connectivity market to unlock its immense socio-economic benefits to the global economy.

What does telecom-independent mean?

Consider 1oT as your connectivity department.

We are not dependent on any telecom, so we are fully independent in our decision-making, and can freely help our customers to select the most suitable connectivity provider according to their needs.

We have gathered many pre-negotiated telecom deals under one roof, and can often offer a better deal than what you would get straight from the telecom, due to the volume discounts.

1oT unites 12 different telecoms worldwide, covering over 190 countries.

What network technologies and countries do you support?

1oT provides 2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IoT, and LTE-M coverage in over 190 countries. You can see the full coverage map here.

How is 1oT different from the other connectivity providers?

1oT remains a strong player in the IoT sphere on the road to becoming a market leader. We provide a one-of-everything (1 eSIM, 1 Connectivity Management Platform, 1 invoice) service that is constantly improving to provide what's best for IoT companies of all sizes. We are not a mobile network operator ourselves and we are happy to help you pick the best deal for your use case.

In addition to being truly independent and offering a complete end-to-end global connectivity solution, we believe that the biggest differentiator is our no corporate BS policy. We have zero tolerance for hidden fees and complicated contracts.

1oT has bold ambitions to disrupt the global IoT connectivity sphere and help IoT companies to scale globally with a single connectivity service.

We are very proud to be assisting our customers in any way we can, including hardware and technology solutions.

What's an example of a 1oT use case?

Think about a company that manages a fleet of vehicles. They need to track where their devices are to manage their operations. It used to be that the company would need to contact a telecom and work through a lengthy sales process. After that, they would have to continuously negotiate rates as the fleet scales.

Now think about the same fleet manager who wants to scale to neighboring countries. The company would need to repeat this process with yet another telecom in every country.

This is where 1oT comes in.

1oT can offer a 1-of-everything solution to that company – 1 (e)SIM, 1 Connectivity Management Platform, and 1 invoice. Thus, the company doesn’t have to worry about negotiating new deals and getting new SIMs every time they want to expand to a new country or region. With 1oT, they can take care of all these processes remotely through 1oT’s Connectivity Management Platform called Terminal, including swapping telecom profiles and opening and closing SIM cards.

If that company chooses a pay-as-you-go package, it will only have to pay for the amount of data its devices did last month.

1oT makes IoT connectivity easy!

What’s the story of 1oT?

1oT was founded by Märt Kroodo (CEO) and Mobi Solutions Group (led by Rain Rannu) in 2016. Mobi Solutions has innovated in the telecom space for over two decades. Mobi Solutions Group's companies have tackled the mobile payment sector with Fortumo (acquired by Boku in 2020), the SMS sphere with Messente, and, from the telecom industry experience, they saw an opportunity in the IoT connectivity market.

So far, telecoms had been used to cater to local customers in their core market. For IoT to boom, these telecoms needed to collaborate more – IoT companies cannot negotiate different deals in different markets and continuously operate with different SIMs, support channels, and negotiations.

As the eSIM spec by GSMA was launched during the same period (the first real innovation of SIMs since 1991!), we saw this as a tool. We wanted to provide flexibility and a way to give more power to the hands of the IoT companies who want to expand globally and offer services on different continents. Also, we assumed telecoms would not negotiate between themselves to provide multiple telecoms’ profiles at once on one single eSIM. We also knew that eSIM for the IoT sector requires an independent middleman and neutral non-telecom to bundle many telecoms into one eSIM offering.

This is how we ended up with 1oT, which stands for “1 connectivity service for IoT”.

Where do I go to get help?

We recommend you start by going through Frequently Asked Questions both on our web page and the 1oT Terminal (if you’re already our customer). Also, we recommend looking into our blog, as it contains a lot of useful information about getting started in the IoT world.

Outside of that, you can contact our customer support: at any time. We'll reply shortly.

Cellular connectivity 101

Why should IoT device manufacturers consider cellular connectivity?

There are multiple reasons why cellular connectivity (2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IoT, Cat-M1) is the best choice for device manufacturers.

  • Coverage: Cellular networks are available globally, and the current infrastructure offers good connectivity capability and quality of service. A cellular subscription doesn’t limit your device to a specific area, city, or country, but the possibility to roam and eSIM has opened the borders.

  • Security: Cellular technology has been maturing for 50+ years now. All the solutions are GSMA-certified and accepted by all global telecoms. As a comparison, the alternative options haven’t been around half as long, and thus can’t match cellular connectivity's trustworthiness.

  • Range: WiFi and Bluetooth could be useful for high bandwidth applications but don't reach far enough for long-distance communications. With cellular networks, your IoT or M2M devices can be connected whether they’re deployed in a populated or rural area.

  • Cost: Telecoms have made heavy investments in cellular networks to provide secure, reliable service to as many customers as possible.

If you’re not sure which cellular network would work the best for your use case, we recommend you read our blog article on the topic.

What connectivity options do IoT device manufacturers have?

IoT connectivity options can be divided into three main categories: Cellular Connectivity, Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN), and Short Range.

Cellular Connectivity

Is the best fit for IoT applications that needs to connect over long distances with the most reliable connectivity. 2G, 3G, & 4G networks have been proven to provide global coverage no matter where the IoT device ends up. Cellular is a universal solution but consumes a lot of battery.

Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN)

LPWAN technologies can be divided into licensed (NB-IoT, LTE-M) and unlicensed (SigFox and LoRaWan) technologies.

NB-IoT and LTE-M provide you with standardized connectivity.

SigFox and LoRaWan are dependent on gateways that need to be set up either by yourself or through someone else's solution, which might not be reliable.

LPWAN provides better power-saving possibilities than Cellular Connectivity but is only used for sending small amounts of data.

Short Range

This category includes Bluetooth, ZigBee, Z-Wave, WiFi, NFC, and others. As the name suggests, it's only used for short-range IoT devices, not exceeding one building.

Short Range Technologies can have a better battery life but come with limited coverage areas.

For more information about different solutions, visit our blog.

What are NB-IoT and LTE-M? Why should I use them?

To compare NB-IoT (Narrowband Internet of Things) and LTE-M, it’s important to understand that they’re both designed specifically for IoT. Even though LPWA technology is still relatively new, it has become increasingly popular over the past few years with the shutdown of cellular networks 2G and 3G.

NB-IoT: Designed to work with so-called constrained devices that face some serious processing power, network connectivity, or battery life limitations. The technology has considerable benefits in indoor coverage, low cost, long battery life, and high connection density. The best use cases would be for smart devices located in buildings, remote or hard-to-reach locations, or even underground (to an extent).

LTE-M: Created for IoT devices to connect directly to a 4G network (as a build-up to 4G) without a gateway and using batteries only. While it’s fairly similar to NB-IoT in terms of battery life and indoor coverage, LTE-M offers seamless connection switching between cell towers, therefore supporting mobile devices (e.g. vehicle and asset tracking). Unlike NB-IoT, LTE-M also supports voice commands.

We can conclude that LTE-M is suitable for both stationary and mobile devices, while NB-IoT is only for stationary devices.

If you want to read more about the topic, we have covered it thoroughly in our blog post on the topic.

What should I consider before choosing a connectivity provider?

The most important thing before choosing a connectivity provider is to understand the needs of your deployment.

Key things to consider:

  • Do you need global coverage? Will your devices be deployed in one particular country?

  • How much data do the devices consume monthly?

  • What kind of control do I need over the SIM cards? In some cases, for example, having complete control of SIMs over API is a must. In some cases, it's not that critical.

Learn more about 1oT connectivity options here.

What network types (2G, 3G, 4G) are available in my area?

1oT (e)SIMs come with global coverage in over 190 countries. See the global map with coverage here. If you wish to check connectivity coverage in a specific area, you may use the following websites:

In addition, many telecoms are shutting down (also known as Sunsetting) their 2G & 3G networks to free up resources for 4G & 5G deployments. If your intended IoT module is designed to use only 2G or 3G, this can cause problems with deployments in certain countries. We have gathered extensive information regarding such shutdowns to help you with this topic.

Why is roaming essential for IoT?

The answer is simple – roaming guarantees global connectivity, meaning global deployments.

A roaming SIM (we suggest eSIM) allows you to connect the device to the Internet in any country where it is being used. Roaming is essential for devices that are constantly changing countries (such as delivery trucks), guaranteeing them seamless connectivity.

Yet, it’s important to know that some countries have imposed restrictions on roaming. That usually means that a SIM is only allowed to roam for a limited period in a particular country. Once the device reaches the limitation, it’s automatically kicked out of the network and the device goes offline.

We have covered the topic in our blog post several times, the latest can be found here.

What is the permanent roaming restriction?

Roaming restrictions are imposed by country regulators or networks and only allow a SIM to roam for a limited period in one particular country. Once the device reaches that limit, it is automatically kicked out of the network. This is a significant concern for IoT devices that are supposed to roam in a country for many years.

As of today, Brazil, India, Turkey, and Canada have the strictest regulatory restrictions in place to prevent permanent roaming.

To avoid permanent roaming restrictions, we are working on setting up localized profiles for these countries. In the case of Brazil, our customers can already download and enable our localized profile in Brazil for their eSIM via 1oT Terminal.

The local profile solves permanent roaming restrictions and has lower latency and extra security features for critical deployments.

Read more on roaming restrictions. 

Getting Started with 1oT

In which countries are 1oT SIMs available? Do you have global coverage?

1oT (e)SIMs come with global coverage in over 190 countries. See the global map with coverage here.

What types of SIM do you offer?

There are two types of SIM cards that we offer:

  • Traditional SIM (UICC) can be either a plastic SIM card (2FF, 3FF and 4FF) or a chip SIM (MFF2) that is soldered onto the circuit board during production.
  • eSIM (eUICC) can also be either a plastic eSIM card (2FF, 3FF, and 4FF) or a chip SIM (MFF2)

To learn more about the different solutions on the market, we recommend our blogs:

How do I get SIM cards?

Getting started with 1oT starts by ordering the SIM cards of your choice. If you're at a very early stage, we offer Test Kits that usually include 2 SIM cards.

If you are operating at a bigger-scale IoT company, and know what you need, please contact our sales team for a customized offer.

And if you’re not yet sure of what you need, don’t hesitate to contact us to figure out your needs and what would be the best solution.

How does billing work? And what payment methods do you accept?

Billing and payment methods

  • We believe you should only pay for the data you consume. So, we offer monthly billing that you can cancel any time.
  • We have a monthly billing cycle for fees: for example, if you change SIM status from LIVE to CLOSED in mid-month, then you still pay the agreed monthly fee in that particular month.
  • Supported payment methods are Paypal, credit card, and manual invoices.


  • We do offer flexibility with data packages. You can choose from per MB pricing, fixed data packages, or data pools.

How to make payments for my invoices?

To pay the invoice through 1oT Terminal, navigate to Pricing -> Invoices -> and select your desired invoice.

You can also add a credit card or PayPal account from where you’ll be charged automatically.

To add a credit card, click on​ the human icon in the top right corner -> Settings -> Company -> Billing and payment method -> Recurring monthly billing -> Edit payment method.

We also support prepaid accounts, where you can add credit to your account with an option for automatic renewals.

Will my hardware work with your SIMs? What hardware works with 1oT SIMs and 1oT eSIMs?

  • 1oT SIM: traditional SIMs (UICC) work in every device.
  • 1oT eSIM: with eSIM (eUICC) your cellular hardware module needs to support Bearer Independent Protocol (BIP) and SIM ToolKit (STK) for remote SIM provisioning. Read more about it here.

All 1oT SIM cards are produced according to the GSMA standards.

What kind of control do I have over my SIMs?

You can have full control over your (e)SIMs via our connectivity management platform called 1oT Terminal.

The 1oT Terminal allows you to:

  • Manage 1oT (e)SIMs.

  • Change the status of (e)SIMs, set data limits, see data sessions, group and tag your (e)SIMs, etc.

  • Swap telecoms on your 1oT eSIMs.

  • Set up value-added services such as API, Notifications, Diagnostics, and many more.

You can follow this link to see an overview of the 1oT Terminal.

What kind of overview do I have of my SIMs?

You will have a full overview of your (e)SIMs, including their location, service status, and data usage. On our Connectivity Management 1oT Platform Terminal, you’ll be able to see when and where your (e)SIMs have had data/SMS sessions, how much data have they used, which telecom networks they use, and so on.

Watch an overview video of 1oT Terminal’s functionality here. 

Do you support API?

Yes, we do! You can manage all of your subscriptions and daily activities through our powerful API (RESTful, of course). To get the integration running smoothly, you can rely on our robust Swagger documentation.

How do I set up the APN?

Setting up the APN is unique to different devices and usually, you will be able to find relevant instructions in your device manual. However, if you are facing technical difficulties, kindly contact your device manufacturer regarding the APN setup as they can provide device-specific instructions.

If you wish to learn more about APNs in general, we have gathered some useful information in our blog post.

If you already know the APN, you can also set it up via AT commands.

How does the SIM choose which network to connect to?

Technically, it’s the device that does the network selection. The device selects the network based on either the best coverage/signal quality or the network configuration list that can be defined in the settings. The function of the SIM is to establish the connection between the device and the network.

We recommend that our clients configure their devices in the following way to avoid interruptions due to any unforeseen circumstances:

  • Configure your device for automatic network selection. Information regarding this step can be found in your device manual or from the device manufacturer.

  • If registration to the network is successful, but establishing a PDP context fails for X (user-defined value) amount of times per Y (user-defined value) minutes, then the device should always deregister from the attached network and try to connect to the next best available network.

  • The process mentioned above should be repeated by the device until it can establish a successful PDP context and start data sessions on an available network.

  • If these steps fail, the device should restart and try again starting from step 1.  

What if my SIMs are inactive, are there any costs?

We have created different statuses for the SIM:

  • SHIPPING: SIM cannot connect and there is no cost until SIM activation (putting SIM to LIVE status).
  • LIVE: Active SIM. Data & SMS (& voice) services are working. Action triggered from 1oT Terminal or API.
  • OFFLINE: Services turned off (for temporary purposes). Can be re-activated. Action triggered from 1oT Terminal or API.
  • CLOSED: SIM is closed for good and cannot be re-activated. Action triggered from 1oT Terminal or API.
We offer the OFFLINE status to keep your costs under control during inactive periods (when you don't need to use your SIMs/eSIMs). Putting your SIM to OFFLINE status means that there are no data costs, and the usual monthly Package Fees don't apply. You only pay for the OFFLINE status fee, which is significantly lower than the monthly Package Fee when your SIM is in LIVE status.

Where do I get help during the times of connectivity issues?

Our team is always ready to help. Make sure to contact our attentive Customer Support when you need it. Also, we have in-house hardware specialists prepared to support you through hardware malfunctions.


What is eSIM?

Technically called "eUICC" or "eSIM" and colloquially referred to as "virtual SIM cards". It combines high-end security methods with connectivity protocols, rendering a next-generation connectivity solution that increases security speed and ease of deployment. The solution complies with GSM Association (GSMA) specifications​ and is approved by all of the largest mobile operators, device manufacturers, and SIM vendors.

eSIM is an unlocked SIM card that enables you to swap telecom (mobile network operator) services “over-the-air” securely and at the push of a button. You can choose one telecom service today (telecom I) and decide to swap to another one tomorrow (telecom II), without changing the physical SIM.

Read more about 1oT eSIM from our eSIM product page, and we cover it even more thoroughly in this blog article.

What benefits does eSIM provide for IoT/M2M devices?

eSIM is changing the game for IoT/M2M in three main areas.

  1. One device, one SIM card - 1oT eSIM allows you to manufacture devices with a single SIM card. After deployment, you can pick the most suitable telecom, which you can change at any time with the press of a button.

  2. Choosing eSIM makes your devices future-proof - they’re no longer affected by network sunsets or pricing changes.

  3. Scale your business quicker - you no longer have to plan for SIM card trade-outs. Your sales team can ensure that every device contains the same hardware and SIM combination.

Read more about 1oT eSIM from our eSIM product page, and we cover it even more thoroughly in this blog article.

What's the difference between SIM and eSIM?

The SIMs are physically identical. Both eSIM (eUICC) and SIM (UICC) come in all form factors - 2/3/4FF (widely known as micro, mini, and nano-SIM) and MFF2 (solderable chip-SIM).

The main feature that sets the two apart is eSIM’s ability to change and host multiple network operators without having to physically change the card itself.

That gives eSIM users the ability to switch between telecoms over the air. It will be useful, for example, in case of inconvenient price changes, quality issues with a particular telecom's network, or devices moving between countries.

Read more about 1oT's SIM options on our eSIM and SIM product pages, and if you’re not sure which one to choose, we cover the topic thoroughly in this blog article.

Can I replace my current SIMs with eSIM?

Yes, you can. eSIM is available in the same form factors as “regular” SIM cards. One thing to keep in mind is that to enjoy the eSIM's full functionality, your hardware module needs to support it as well.

In case you want to know more about eSIM-supported hardware, read the blog article here, or contact us to help you out.

Do my old SIMs have eSIM capabilities?

Unfortunately, no. Even though both SIM cards look the same, they have different software running on them, which can’t be updated over the air.

If you are interested in switching to eSIMs, read more about 1oT eSIMs on our product page, or get in touch with us.

What are the hardware requirements for eSIM?

Your cellular hardware module needs to support Bearer Independent Protocol (BIP) and SIM ToolKit (STK) for remote SIM provisioning.

We have covered the topic more thoroughly in our blog, and have also listed cellular modules that support eSIM already.

What formats does 1oT eSIM come in?

1oT offers eSIM in 2FF (mini), 3FF (micro), 4FF (nano) and MFF2 form factors.

We can support you with commercial, industrial, and automotive grade eSIMs on all the mentioned form factors.

How does eSIM work? How can I swap telecoms on eSIM?

eSIM comes with one Default Carrier (bootstrap profile) which provides the first network connection for downloading new additional telecom profiles onto and deleting old ones from the eSIM (eUICC). Several different telecoms can be downloaded on an eUICC, but only one can be active at any given time. The telecom swap is performed over the air, all you need to do is choose a telecom, download the profile, and enable it.

To swap telecoms, you need a Remote SIM Provisioning platform. We have developed the 1oT Terminal, which gives you full SIM subscription management functionalities along with billing, changing statuses, and location information.

You can compare and swap different coverage plans from the 1oT Terminal under the eSIM management tool.

Can I choose whichever network provider I want for the 1oT eSIM?

No, you can’t. In the case of eSIM, there needs to be a "middle-man" or aggregator who puts together a pool of different telecoms to choose from. That is why you need an independent service provider like 1oT who has gathered multiple telecoms under one eSIM infrastructure, has negotiated commercial deals, and completed integrations with them.

1oT eSIM was launched in 2019. Currently, 1oT eSIM is offering 12 different telecom partners to choose from, but we are adding new ones to the pool regularly. Our plan is not to have hundreds of local telecom deals for each country in the world. We'd rather provide one good deal per region/continent and address countries with permanent roaming restrictions separately with local deals (Brazil, India & Canada).

You can find the network provider coverage map on our eSIM product page, or reach out to our Sales Team for more up-to-date information.

Who is manufacturing 1oT eSIM?

Similarly to the BIG4 auditing companies, there are four big eSIM/SIM manufacturers in the world: Valid, Thales (previously known as Gemalto), IDEMIA (previously known as Oberthur Technologies), and G+D Mobile Security.

1oT eSIM cards are manufactured by Valid, the 65-year-old Brazilian listed company (B³: VLID3 - ON). Valid has more than 4,000 employees in 16 countries generating revenue of $377 Million in 2022. Today, Valid is the largest issuer of identification documents in Brazil, one of the top producers of SIM cards in the world, and among the world’s largest manufacturers of bank cards.

To learn more about 1oT eSIM, visit the eSIM product page.

Are NB-IoT and LTE-M supported via eSIM?

Yes, they are. You can enable NB-IoT or LTE-M profiles on an eSIM. It makes it easy for your device to achieve LPWAN (Low-Power Wide-Area Network) support without any changes to the physical eSIM. You can start with a 2G/3G/4G profile and later swap it to an NB-IoT/LTE-M telecom deal.

The availability of Radio Access Types (RAT) such as 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE-M, and NB-IoT can vary from network to network and country to country and certain networks may have conditions for Permanent Roaming restrictions. Details for the coverage list, network availability & pricing, RAT availability, and Permanent Roaming restrictions can be found on the ‘Pricing’ page or ‘eSIM’ page of 1oT Terminal.

Does 1oT eSIM support SMS?

Yes, almost all provided carriers offered on 1oT eSIM support SMS.

Does 1oT eSIM support voice calls?

By default, 1oT (e)SIMs don’t support voice calls, but we can provide voice availability on a case-by-case basis.

If you happen to have a unique use case that needs voice functionality, make sure to communicate it to us at

Can I bring my existing eSIMs to 1oT Terminal?

If you're logging into Ericsson DCP or Cisco Jasper to manage your eSIMs, we can help you integrate with 1oT Terminal and manage all your eSIMs from the same interface. Note that extra fees will apply for our paid service.

If you want to bring your eSIMs to 1oT Terminal and get access to 1oT's telecom partners for connectivity, we'll need to go through the SR-swap process with your current provider, which requires work from both parties.

Contact our Sales Team to discuss the specifics.

How is Consumer eSIM different from IoT/M2M eSIM?

You have probably heard about new mobile phones and smartwatches being equipped with eSIM. It's the Consumer eSIM that those devices come with and it differs from the eSIM technology tailored for IoT and M2M use cases (M2M eSIM).

The difference comes in the architecture and the standardization between the two:

  1. Consumer eSIM uses a “pull”-model, which means that the end-user can manage and activate the new network providers, based on their needs (usually through scanning QR codes).
  2. IoT/M2M eSIM uses a “push”-model, which means that only the device’s owner or service provider can “push” the telecom changes onto the eSIM.

Even though consumer eSIMs are becoming more and more popular, 1oT only focuses on IoT/M2M eSIM solutions.

Read more about the differences between consumer and M2M eSIM.

Does 1oT provide eSIM for consumer devices like mobile phones and tablets?

At the moment, 1oT eSIM is strictly tailored for IoT/M2M use cases. So we do not provide eSIM carriers for consumer use cases (mobile phones, tablets, smart watches).

1oT Terminal

What is 1oT Terminal?

1oT Terminal is a self-service connectivity management platform.

The platform allows you to manage 1oT SIMs and 1oT eSIMs and set up value-added services like APIs, notifications, or even swap telecoms on 1oT eSIM. Additionally, you can change the status of SIMs, set data limits, see all data sessions, group your SIMs/eSIMs, tag your SIMs/eSIMs, etc. To see 1oT Terminal in action, please see the video here.

What does self-service platform mean?

Self-service means that you are in charge and do not need our assistance to control your SIM cards via the 1oT Terminal. We believe that handling your devices' connectivity should be as simple as possible, needs to be automated, and ready to be integrated via API with your core business infrastructure.

But, of course, we are always available and ready to assist you in case you need it.

What are the main things I can control via 1oT Terminal?

Everyone can utilize the essential toolkit necessary for handling device connectivity. These include:

  • our intuitive dashboard that gives a bird's-eye view of primary KPIs about device data usage
  • maintaining full control over your SIM statuses - turn them offline when not using to keep costs down; reset SIMs when experiencing network issues; activate SIMs once they've been tested in the production cycle and close SIMs that have been stolen to avoid fraudulent actions
  • grouping SIMs by device, country, or end-user to structure your connectivity needs. This allows for applying changes to specific use cases, such as all SIMs in a particular country or the same devices that need a firmware update via SMS.
  • setting data limits to ensure that devices won't exceed predetermined limits
  • detailed data sessions - useful when debugging or analyzing usage. Track down those small 1kb sessions to spot malfunctioning devices and utilize this for debugging

See a short 1-minute overview video.

How to log in using 2FA?

2FA is mandatory for all our users. You need to enter the authentication code every time you log into 1oT Terminal. The easiest way to generate the codes is with an authenticator app, such as Google Authenticator, and insert them into the Terminal.

Make sure that your account on the authenticator app uses the same email as your Terminal account.

If your login fails, contact

How to activate the 1oT SIMs?

You can activate SIM cards through 1oT Terminal or API. You'll receive access to the 1oT Terminal along with your first order of 1oT SIM or 1oT eSIM cards.

SIMs can be activated through the 1oT Terminal or via API. Log in to 1oT Terminal and go to the (e)SIM view. From there, you need to change the (e)SIM status to LIVE - only then the (e)SIM can have a data session. If you wish to activate (e)SIMs through API, you need to activate the API app from our App Store in 1oT Terminal and use the "/activate" endpoint.

What are the different SIM statuses?

We have created different statuses for 1oT SIMs and 1oT eSIMs:

  • LIVE: Active SIM. Data & SMS (& voice) services are working. Action triggered from 1oT Terminal or API.
  • OFFLINE: Services turned off (for temporary purposes). Can be re-activated. Applies when a SIM reaches its data limit or when the action is triggered by the client from 1oT Terminal or API.
  • CLOSED: SIM is closed for good and cannot be re-activated. Action triggered from 1oT Terminal or API.
  • SHIPPING: indicates that 1oT SIM or 1oT eSIM is on its way to you. 0-cost applies.
A way to save on monthly data costs is to use the OFFLINE status, which will be useful if your devices are bound to sit inactively for more than a month.

What does a 'SIM Reset' do?

A SIM reset is a restart of the SIM card that you can do via 1oT Terminal. It will disconnect any active connection and then act as if the SIM is trying to connect to (roaming) networks for the first time. Once the reset is complete, the SIM will initiate a network attach process. It also resets the APN at the network level and is one of the basic troubleshooting steps.

How to put my SIM live after it reaches its data limit?

When your SIM reaches its monthly data limit, it automatically turns offline. To reactivate your SIM, you need to set a new data limit higher than your current one. You can do this from the Terminal's SIMs overview page or by clicking on the affected SIM and changing it from the SIM configuration tab.

What does a device restart do?

If a device is having any connectivity issues or is unable to do data, resetting the (e)SIM assists in solving the issue.

However, in some cases, it might be necessary to restart the whole IoT setup that includes the (e)SIM, cellular module, and the device to rerun the startup procedure of the whole setup.

If you have physical access to the device, a simple restart (ON and OFF) will achieve this result, however, if you do not have access to the device, kindly check with the device manufacturer (for both the cellular module and the Device) to confirm if your setup can be reset remotely.

Usually, a lot of devices and IoT modules can be restarted remotely via SMS or AT commands.

How do I send SMSs to my devices?

SMS can be sent either through the 1oT Terminal or via API. If you want to use 1oT Terminal to send SMS, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the SIM view
  2. Search for the ICCID you wish to send SMS to
  3. Click on the black SMS box
  4. Type in or copy the command you wish to send and click “Send”

If you need to send SMS to the device outside of the 1oT Terminal, you can use the MSISDN number that you can find from the SIM view. This MSISDN works as the number of the (e)SIM card.

Please note that for some of the SIMs, MSISDN will not be available in the 1oT Terminal. In this case, you can first send an SMS to the SIM to receive an SMS from the SIM and then respond to it outside of the 1ot Terminal.

If you wish to send SMS through API, you need to activate the API app from our App Store in the 1oT Terminal and use the "/sendSms" endpoint.

Can I send firmware update (or similar) commands to my devices through SMS in your platform? 

Yes. Depending on how you've configured your device, it can receive SMSs and also interpret them as commands. You can also do it via API.

How can I start using API?

If you wish to take actions on your (e)SIMs through API, you need to activate the API app from our App Store in the 1oT Terminal and follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the API view and generate a password. Make sure to save the password, as it is only visible once.

  2. Navigate to the API documentation and authenticate your API user using the "/oauth/token" endpoint. This has to be done again periodically, as the token will eventually expire.

  3. Use the API documentation to find the endpoint that you wish to use.

If you wish to go through our API documentation to understand the capabilities before activating the API app, please feel free to follow this link.

What functions does 1oT Terminal have and is it all free of charge?

1oT Terminal comes with base services and separate 1oT Terminal Apps as value-added tools.

Base services are free of charge (included in your SIM Package Fee), but 1oT Terminal Apps are separately paid services with monthly subscriptions (usually per SIM-based).

  • Setting data limits
  • Overview of your SIMs
  • Grouping SIMs
  • Detailed data & SMS sessions
  • SIM status changes
Example of 1oT Terminal Apps (separate monthly subscriptions per app):

  • Workflow Automation
  • API
  • KPI Reporting
  • Diagnostics
  • Analytics
  • Intelligent connectivity
  • Sub-clients view
  • Productivity toolkit

All of our 1oT Terminal Apps can be found in the 1oT Terminal with explanations of how they work. If you'd like to activate an app, it's as simple as clicking a button, no additional details necessary.

1oT Terminal App Store overview video

Why aren’t 1oT Terminal Apps part of the base services of the platform?

Similarly to our smartphones, you are downloading 1oT Terminal Apps that cater to your business needs one by one. 

IoT companies with different sizes and use cases have different needs for connectivity management. The functionality that you need today will probably change in the future.

So why should you pay for the full spectrum of services if you are not using it all? 1oT Terminal allows you to activate only those value-added tools that you actually need. 

Watch a short video on 1oT Terminal's app store

Do the 1oT Terminal Apps cost extra?

Yes, most of the 1oT Terminal Apps come at an additional charge (monthly subscription). The pricing generally depends on the number of SIM cards you have, e.g., with 100 SIMs, the monthly cost of using notifications is 4€ per month (0.04€ per active SIM). This way the cost is relative to your connectivity usage and you’ll only be paying for active SIMs.

Why do I have to pay extra for 1oT Terminal Apps?

We believe that secretly baking the cost of these things into megabyte pricing is unfair to you. Also, these 1oT Terminal Apps are not offered on similar platforms. The 1oT Terminal Apps allow you to save time and money like no other management system.

Can I test out 1oT Terminal Apps before paying anything?

Yes, the apps come free for the first few months. It allows you to get a better understanding of the usefulness of the apps before paying anything.

Watch a short video on 1oT Terminal's app store

How do I add users to my 1oT Terminal account?

1oT Terminal provides you full control of the users without any additional cost. In 1oT Terminal, you are able to assign different user roles with customizable permissions and functionalities depending on their needs. We have covered the topic more thoroughly in a blog post.

To make changes to the existing users or add new users:

  • Click on the Human icon on the top right side of the 1oT Terminal.
  • Select the Company Settings option.
  • Scroll down until you see the Company Users option and make desired changes.

How can I change my company details?

You can change the company details by following these steps:

  1. Click on the "Human" icon at the top right corner of Terminal
  2. Click on "Company settings"
  3. Scroll to the item that you need to change and make the desired changes

How can I order more (e)SIMs?

You can order more (e)SIMs by logging into the 1oT Terminal and clicking on the Pricing from the header. From there, choose ‘Order SIMs’ and fill in the order. Alternatively, you can also write an email directly to your Account Manager or

Can I close my (e)SIMs?

Of course. You can close your (e)SIMs for good at any time you want. There are no extra fees or obligations. You will only pay for the last active month.

I have received the (e)SIMs from 1oT, how do I make the (e)SIMs work?

To use the (e)SIMs:

  1. Insert the (e)SIM into your device.
  2. Set the correct APN provided in the physical leaflet you can find in the package. The APN for your (e)SIMs is also visible in the 1oT Terminal.
  3. As the last step, change the status of the (e)SIMs from SHIPPING to LIVE from 1oT Terminal.

    Make sure data roaming is enabled for smooth connectivity.

Still didn’t find an answer?

Don’t worry. Send us a request via email and we’ll get back with a solution.
Watch our on-demand webinar on the IoT eSIM! Sign up here ->