August 3, 2022

Announcing 1oT eSIM Core, the eSIM infrastructure

Mikk Lemberg

Chief Product Officer

I am pleased to announce that 1oT has developed a full remote subscription management solution for eSIM. We call it 1oT eSIM Core, and it will become a cornerstone of 1oT's services and products going forward.

This is a big step forward in our journey to make eSIM technology the IoT industry standard and drive the entire market to offer a modern, fast and flexible connectivity service.

Instead of licensing the eSIM infrastructure from one of the major vendors (Thales, Idemia, G+D, or Valid), owning the eSIM infrastructure allows us to be more cost-effective and improve the management of millions devices and SIMs worldwide.

Why did we build the eSIM infrastructure?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as one of the fundamental trends underlying the digital transformation of business and the economy since the Internet. However, connecting IoT devices to the Internet is still extremely complex and costly.

Despite the introduction of eSIM technology in 2016, the adoption and deployment of this technology have remained modest. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of cooperation between telecommunications companies and other service providers.

We launched 1oT eSIM in 2019 with Valid by licensing the Remote Subscription Management (RSP) platform. Today, we have sold half a million eSIMs and introduced 7 different telecom profiles on a single eSIM service. We have become a "Tinder of telecoms", combining various telecom providers on a single eSIM card and enabling our customers to find the best connectivity match for their use case.

So the question is, why did we build our own eSIM infrastructure?

18 months ago, we saw an opportunity to provide a better connectivity service by taking control of the entire value chain ourselves from start to finish. That's why we set out to become the first telecom-independent cellular connectivity provider to build an eSIM infrastructure precisely for the IoT market.

What is 1oT eSIM Core?

The new infrastructure, 1oT eSIM Core, is an end-to-end solution that enables eSIM for IoT and M2M devices. Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) follows the M2M specification of eSIM and includes SM-SR (Subscription Manager Secure Routing) and SM-DP (Subscription Manager Data Preparation).

1oT eSIM Core leverages the best of both worlds by creating a hybrid combination of cloud and on-premise infrastructure. The on-site location is in Estonia's most business-critical data centre - the Tallinn TV tower.

It is powered entirely by renewable energy, making it the first of its kind in the world. This step is in line with our goal to reduce the environmental footprint of our services. The first step in this direction was taken in spring 2022 when we introduced half-size eSIMs and reduced plastic consumption by half.

Another key improvement for us was speed and scalability.

That's why we also hosted parts of eSIM in a GSMA-compliant AWS data centre. This guarantees support for the rapid growth of 1oT, our customers, and the IoT sector in general.

What’s next?

Or most importantly: what is changing?

To be honest, everything gets better for our current customers. Owning the eSIM infrastructure ensures high-quality and secure connections, speeds up the process of onboarding new telecom profiles (you can expect more news soon), and opens up new opportunities for extended value-added services and synergies with our connectivity management platform 1oT Terminal.

We have turned many of the tools we developed for our services, like 1oT Terminal, into infrastructures for other companies by offering the connectivity management platform as a white label solution for telecoms and connectivity providers.

Similarly, 1oT is the first and best customer for the 1oT eSIM Core. However, we can also license state-of-the-art eSIM infrastructure to any enterprise or telecom.

By leveraging the speed, flexibility, and resiliency offered by 1oT eSIM Core and 1oT Terminal, any company can have the most advanced eSIM connectivity for connected devices.

In addition to a robust remote subscription management infrastructure, we have developed an intuitive interface to manage the eSIM inventory and available eSIM profiles. Meaning that the eSIM infrastructure is fully compatible with existing systems through secure interfaces and APIs.

1oT eSIM Core platform supports over-the-air eSIM profile provisioning and inventory management for all eSIMs. The platform gives a detailed real-time overview of eSIM profiles and their activity.

If you're interested in learning more about 1oT eSIM Core or discussing potential partnerships, please don't hesitate to write to me at

Also check out 1oT eSIM Core product page.

About 1oT

1oT’s eSIM connectivity service aims to eliminate vendor lock-in and put speed and flexibility at the heart of the IoT industry.

1oT offers 12 different telecoms profiles, so IoT companies can choose the most optimal connectivity service according to their use case, region, and technology requirements. Today, 3 million IoT devices, from bird trackers to e-scooters, are using 1oT's connectivity services in 173 countries.

Contact us to discuss your connectivity needs!

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