August 27, 2020

The logistics industry needs connectivity in Mexico

Taavi Jõgeva

Sales Director

At 1oT, we go to great lengths to offer the best global IoT connectivity service. This means understanding the needs of different use cases and the variations across deployment countries.

We develop insights to be competitive in emerging IoT markets by talking to customers and keeping up with market changes around the world.

One of the most exciting trends has been the emergence of the GPS tracking sector in Mexico. And as a member of the sales team, I can tell you that we receive inquiries about connectivity options in Mexico and North America several times per day.

So what's driving this interest?

The obvious premise is that Mexico is the 3rd largest export partner of the United States. 80.3% of its products are exported to the US, preceded by only China and Canada.1

But the increased interest in GPS tracking in the transport and logistics industry can also be linked to a policy change.

The USA has approved a mandate that all vehicles must come with ELD's (Electronic Logging Devices). So all Mexican logistic companies that are going to the US need to follow this mandate.2

Second, GPS trackers help simplify the route planning and resource allocation during times of recession. The logistics companies can better plan their journeys and schedule pick-ups and, as a result, reduce costs and save on idle time.

Besides, most trackers come with an external fuel sensor. Or the device itself gets information from the CANbus or OBD-II connector, again helping to provide additional information to lower costs.

Third, GPS tracking provides greater safety for vehicles with valuable cargo, which reduces the risk of theft.

1oT offers flexible connectivity options in Mexico and the rest of North America

It's difficult for a small company to get an excellent roaming package from a local service provider. Small fleets with low data traffic don’t excite the larger telecom service providers whose core focus isn't on IoT and M2M connectivity.

Secondly, telecom contracts usually come with commitment demands for the data packages or SIMs order. As a logistics company, you don't want to waste time on complicated commercial negotiations or give away the flexibility to turn off the SIMs if no driving is happening.

Furthermore, 1oT SIMs have a multi-network approach. Currently, our clients operate on 4 different networks in Mexico. To ensure reliable connectivity and excellent service quality, we suggest that all our clients configure their devices to select the network with the best signal strength automatically. Automated switching among the 4 networks ensures that the SIM never loses connection.

Lastly, to rephrase some of our Mexican clients' feedback. Our connectivity service is top of the line, the self-service platform is a fantastic tool, and the pricing is more competitive than local service providers’.

If you're interested in the 1oT Terminal demo or ordering SIMs, please write to us at


  1. Wikipedia. Economy of Mexico.
  2. FMCSA. Electronic Logging Devices.

About 1oT

1oT’s eSIM connectivity service aims to eliminate vendor lock-in and put speed and flexibility at the heart of the IoT industry.

1oT offers 12 different telecoms profiles, so IoT companies can choose the most optimal connectivity service according to their use case, region, and technology requirements. Today, 3 million IoT devices, from bird trackers to e-scooters, are using 1oT's connectivity services in 173 countries.

Contact us to discuss your connectivity needs!

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